Saturday, March 6, 2010

Fish Cakes

Just a fish cake (105 calories)
Adapted from “Sauces and Salsas” by Christine France
Taste 3 (out of 5)
Difficulty 3 (out of 5)
- 350 g/ 12 oz peeled potatoes (310 cal)
- 75 ml/ 5 tbsp milk (10 cal)
- 350 g/ 12 oz haddock fillets, skinned (305 cal)
- 15 ml/ 1 tbsp lemon juice (5 cal)
- 5 ml/ 1 tsp dijon mustard (5 cal)
- 30 ml/ 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
- flour for dusting
- 115 g/ 4 oz/ 2 cups fresh breadcrumbs (410 cal)
- salt and black pepper to taste
Total 1045 cal, 10 fish cakes, 105 cal/ fish cake
1. Place the potatoes in a large saucepan of boiling water and cook for 15-20 minutes. Drain and mash with milk and season to taste. 
2. Puree the fish together with the lemon juice and the mustard in a food processor. mix together with the potatoes and parsley. 
3. With floured hands shape the mixture into fish cakes and coat with crumbs. Chill in the fridge for about 30 minutes
4. Grill the fish cakes under hot broiler in the oven for 5 minutes on each side. 
- It turned out a little too dry. I would probably saute it in a little oil and chicken broth next time. Or maybe simply bake it, not broil. 
- In the picture served with the baked yam fries


  1. I really like the look of this - sound interesting and definitely worth a try!



  2. I hate when fish turns out dry. There is only a couple of minutes when the fish is cooked right and then it's too much...very tricky.

    Oh well, there is always a next time! :)

  3. Excellent, this is a keeper! And the calories are right on!

  4. ah i've never had these but it seems delicious delightful dee....

    a bientot
    the paris food blague

  5. Oh..I love the way you present this fish cake. Must be crispy on the outside.
