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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Cheese Cake with Sour Cream

Tangy, light, delicious and as low calorie as a cheese cake can be
This recipe is featured on RecipeNewZ

RecipeNewZ - great recipes, desserts, mains, cooking, baking
Source: a friend’s mom

Taste 5 out of 5

Difficulty 2 out of 5

For the base
• 130 g animal crackers (520 cal)
• 70 g melted butter (500 cal)
For the cheese layer
• 400 g farmers cheese (310 cal)
• 100 g buttermilk or yogurt (65 cal)
• 1 tsp vanilla extract (10 cal)
• 2 eggs (140 cal)
• 2/3 cup sugar (510 cal)
For the top layer
• 300 g sour cream (640 cal)
• 1/3 cup sugar (255 cal)
Total 2950 cal, 12 servings, 245 cal/serving

1. Crush the animal cracker in a food processor to a powder consistency. Transfer the cracker powder into a clean bowl and mix with the melted butter. Press the resulting mixture into a greased 9 inch cake pan – you don’t need to coat the sides of the pan, only the bottom. You can also use a 5”x7” square Pyrex pan, if you want to make cheese cake squares.
2. In a food processor, mix together all the ingredients for the cheese layer to uniform consistency and pour onto the cracker layer.
3. Bake for 5 minutes in an over preheated to 400F/200C and then for another 15 minutes at 350F/180C.
4. In the meantime mix the sour cream with the sugar. After the cake has been baking for 20 minutes, take it out of the oven; pour the sour cream on top of the cake and bake for another 5 minutes.
5. Let the cake cool at room temperature and then chill in the fridge for another 2 hours before serving.

• This is a really delicious light cheese cake. Using quark or farmer’s cheese is a great alternative to cream cheese; it has almost 5 times less calories and is not as heavy and greasy. It also has this nice tanginess to it. If you don’t have quark or farmer’s cheese, no worries, you can use 500 g of Greek yogurt instead of farmer’s cheese and buttermilk.
• The only mistake I’ve made with this cake was the bottom layer, next time I will use cracker crumbs, not powder, and will add less butter. In my case the base was too soggy.


Buttercream Blondie said...

Nice job on lightening up cheesecake! I can tell from the photo that it has a lovely consistency & I love the sour cream topping!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of this cheesecake. If it tastes as good as it looks, its a winner. I've bookmarked this.
*kisses* HH

Ali said...

Looks so delicious, thanks for letting us know its a light cheese cake, at least I can keep my waistline intact :) nice photo

Anita @ Hungry Couple said...

You really got my attention with the delicious looking photo. I rarely consider trying cheesecake recipes because I think mine is best :) but this one is going on the list! My mother used to make sweet things with farmer's cheese and cottage cheese so that part makes sense to me and I always have farmer's cheese on hand because I love it on toast with a cup of tea. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

Alaina said...

This looks utterly devine. I stumbled upon your side through a comment you left on another cooking blog because I was intrigued by your title, "cookie rookie." You don't look like a cooking rookie to me! As a new cooking blogger, I am really inspired by your website. Consider me hooked and your newest follower :)

-Alaina @ theRedOnions

Anonymous said...

Wow I don't see a rookie here, everything looks amazing!!!!! Love your blog! :)
Laura @ A Healthy Jalapeño

Nora said...

Ok - the low-calorie cheese cake caught my attention! Along with your great photos. I made it over the weekend and it turned out pretty good - not as pretty as your photo, but it sure tasted as good as the photo looks! Definitely a keeper!

Lisa said...

Hi there! I have a question about this cheesecake. In your 'afterthoughts' you mention that next time you will use 'cracker crumbs' instead of powder, so am I correct in assuming that you grinded the animal crackers to a powder, which resulted in a soggy bottom, or do you mean next time you'll use graham cracker crumbs? Also, you mentioned you'd use less sugar, but there's no added sugar in the crust - do you mean less sugar in the body of the cheesecake, like 1/3 cup instead of 2/3 cup? Thanks!

Cooking Rookie said...

Hi Lisa, You are right, I did grind the crackers myself in a food processor to powder consistency. So the next time I would still grind the crackers, but stop at the crumbs. Also, I am sorry about "sugar", I meant "butter" :-), I fixed it now. I would use less butter in the crust, maybe 40-50 g melted butter instead of 70 g.
Regarding graham cracker crumbs, I have not used them, but I would assume that the result would be similar, but maybe they absorb butter differently, so it's hard for me to say how much butter to use with them. If you want to make a round pie instead of squares, you can use a ready graham cracker crust, that would be the easiest :-).
Thanks for your questions, if you ever end up trying the cake, please let me know what you think.

Lisa said...

Thank you so much for your reply! The reduction in butter definitely makes it even skinnier. I will let you know how it turns out once I try it - for sure - 100% ;)

Dani said...

Made this today and cant wait to eat it! Looks amazing. Can you tell me what brand of things you used? I am counting calories and its only an 8 calories difference between this and what I made,But I am always curious as to brands! Thank you so much for your blog, I love the goodies on here and am re-posting this particular recipe on my blog.

Cooking Rookie said...

Hi Dani,
Thanks for trying my cheesecake, please let me know how it turns out and send me a link to your post. Regarding the brands, we are buying most of our groceries at Costco, so the sour cream and the animal crackers are from there. The farmers' cheese I make myself from milk and buttermilk. I should post the recipe some day, but it's approximately 1/2 gallon of milk, mix with 2 cups buttermilk, leave on a counter for 24 hours, then cook on very low heat - the lowest setting - for an hour, leave on a counter for another hour and then drain using a sieve and a cheese cloth. I find that Lucerne buttermilk from Safeway works best for that, at least here in Vancouver.
And good luck with counting calories :-)
p.s. I tried posting a comment on your blog, but for some reason it rejected me :-(

Jo, Las Vegas said...

I wanted to try this but wondered if anyone has converted these measurements to English version...