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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Guacamole Bread

Avocado, tomato and garlic - for a guacamole bread.
Taste 3 (out of 5)
Difficulty 1 (out of 5)
- 3 3/4 cups all purpose flour (1705 cal)
- 3/4 tbsp yeast
- 1/2 tbsp salt
- 1 1/2 cups lukewarm water (temperature of about 90-100F)
- 1 garlic clove (5 cal)
- 1 ripe medium tomato (20 cal)
- 1/2 ripe avocado, pitted, peeled, and mashed (160 cal)
Total 1890 cal, 2 1-lb loaves, 945 cal/loaf
1. Mince the roasted garlic. Wash and puree the tomato, do not discard seeds and peel. Pit, peel and mash the avocado. 
2. In a large container that has a lid, using a wooden spoon mix all the ingredients until all the flour is incorporated. Cover the container (not airtight) and let on the kitchen counter for about 2 hour until the dough approximately doubles in size. 
3. Use the dough after the 2 hour rest or refrigerate it in the same container still covered (not airtight). The refrigerated dough can be used over the next 5 days. 
4. On the baking day, sprinkle the dough with flour to prevent sticking and cut the desired amount. I use half of the dough at a time to make a 1-lb loaf. Gently form a ball by stretching the surface of the dough around to the bottom on all four sides, rotating the ball a quarter-turn as you go. If you want, you can also elongate the dough into an oval. Place the loaf on a cornmeal or semolina coated pizza peel. If you do not use a baking stone, place the bread on a cookie sheet which will be used for baking. Let the loaf rest for about 90 minutes (or 40 minutes if using non-refrigerated dough).
5. Place an empty broiler tray in the oven where it will not interfere with the rising of your bread.   About 30 minutes before baking preheat the oven with the broiler tray and the baking stone to 450F. If you do not use the stone, the preheat will be shorter.  
6. Right before baking slash the top of the loaf with a serrated knife. Slide the bread onto the stone, if using, or simply place the cookie sheet into the oven. Pour 1 cup of hot (not boiling) tap water into the broiler tray - be very careful here: the tray is hot and there will be a lot of steam.  Avoid splashing the water on the oven glass door (the glass might crack).
7. Close the oven door as soon as possible to trap the steam inside. Bake for about 40 minutes until the bread is nicely browned. Remove from the oven and let cool on a rack. 
- The original recipe used whole wheat flour, but I prefer white flour. 
- I have to admit that this is not my favorite bread flavor-vise. The texture is still great, just as any other artisan bread from this wonderful book. Spinach and Feta cheese is next on my to try list.


Lazaro Cooks said...

Avocado bread. That is a great recipe. Especially for me that I am an avocado and bread freak! Cheers!

Cooking with Coley said...

I love guacamole and I love bread, so this is a dream combo! It looks like something that should be sold at Pigs Fly Bakery if you've ever had one of their loaves!

Roxan said...

What an interesting (in a good way!!) combination for bread, I would never have thought of that! I would love to try this recipe and will bookmark it for future use :) thanks for sharing.

denise @ quickies on the dinner table said...

Holy Guacamole - look at the holier than thou crumb LOL I love the open texture of your loaf and I LOVE how you keep coming up with these weird and wonderful combinations, this post being a perfect example of your ingenuity!

Shannon @ said...

I would have never thought of that. I wonder though can you taste the avocado in the bread or does it just get lost? Being an aussie I love vegemite + avocado on toast.

kathy gori said...

Never ever thought of avocado used like this! What a great looking bread.

Emily Malloy said...

I LOVE THAT COOKBOOK. I am obsessed. I am so glad that you posted this. I've been wanting to try this recipe!

Anonymous said...

I have been eyeing that cookbook for months. And this bread is just another reason I NEED it. Looks great!!!!

sweetlife said...

great recipe I have been eyeing that cookbook, and you showcasing these recipes only proves that I need to buy it...


Unknown said...

This sounds amazing and I would have never thought to make a bread with avocado, tomato, and garlic.. maybe one of the ingredients but not all 3. I'm very interested in what it tastes like :)

Within the Kitchen said...

Intrigued by the idea of avocado in this bread!

The Duo Dishes said...

Great use for all the avocados out there. Perfect.

Biren said...

Sounds like an interesting bread. Never thought of using avaocado in a bread.

Kristi@Ja Cie Kocham said...

I am notorious for making guacamole and eating it all for dinner - by myself. Thanks for the recipe! Now I will be able to share my beloved avocados :o)

Cristina @ TeenieCakes said...

Can you taste the avocado in the bread? Sounds great! Looking forward to your spinach and feta bread too. =)

Deborah Dowd said...

I have tried avocado ice cream, so this bread should be a dream!! Hopefully this will turn out better (the ice cream was not a hit) The crumb of your loaf looks amazing and I am wondering about using sundried tomatoes.

tigerfish said...

Hmmm....I will use 2 slices of guacamole bread to sandwich something and do with the guacamole filling ;p

Cooking Rookie said...

Re: can you taste avocado in the bread?
To tell the truth, I could not. I ranked this bread taste-wise 3 out of 5, when most of the breads from the Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day are unquestionably 5. So I can't say I am a fan of this particular flavors combination. The spinach feta bread that I've made yesterday is much much tastier. And Challah from that book is my absolute favorite.

Doña Masita said...

You have taken guacamole to another level, you are very very creative!


Doña Masita

Brie: Le Grand Fromage said...

very cool, i've not seen avocado bread - looks great!

bestfriend said...

love it!