Thursday, March 18, 2010

Banana Mousse

Light cute dessert for only 90 calories.  Plus 2 more variations.
Here and there, mostly improvised
Taste 4 (out of 5)
Difficulty 2 (out of 5)
- 2/3 banana (70 cal)
- 1/2 cup low fat milk (65 cal)
- 1/4 cup heavy cream (205 cal)
- 1 tbsp brown sugar, packed (20 cal) 
- 1 tsp gelatin
- 2 tbsp water (1 tbsp room temperature, 1 tbsp boiling)
Total 360 cal, 4 servings, 90 cal/serving
1. Whip the cream with the sugar and place in the refrigerator. 
2. Puree the milk and the banana in a blender. Pour into a small sauce pan and bring to a boil. 
3. While the banana milk cooks, dissolve gelatin in 1 tbsp of cool water. Then, stirring, add 1 tbsp of boiling water. When all the gelatin has dissolved, add the banana milk and mix well. Let the mixture cool.
4. Fold the whipped cream into the banana mixture and pour into molds. 
5. Refrigerate the molds for 2-3 hours until the mousse sets.
Variation 1
Use orange-flavored Jell-O instead of Knox (this is the more orange-colored mousse in the picture). You probably need more of Jell-O than of Knox. I used the same proportions, and it was a little too liquid. So I had to freeze it, and it became a sorbet :-)

Variation 2
Blend 1/3 banana with 1 tsp brown sugar and 2 tbsp cottage cheese and you get a very nice soft mousse. Taste-wise, it’s my favorite, but you cannot mold it. So I used it as a sauce to decorate the plate. 
I am planning to make some mousse experiments this week and this was the first one. So far so good. 
I hope by the end of my Knox pack and my whipped cream quart I will know much more :-).


  1. This looks great! What a great picture! You are so creative in the kitchen. :)

  2. wow i want this right now , beautifully shot. thank you

  3. This sounds so good-I never thought to use my gelatin packs with my banana, but it make sense. I did recently make homemade jello with some oranges that I picked in front yard, and it was wonderful. So I'm bookmarking this!

  4. beautiful shot...lovely


  5. If on top of it, it's light, I want one right now! beautiful banana flan!

  6. I love banana recipes and this looks just like something I'll enjoy! Should the banana be ultra-ripe already or are you using a fresh ripe banana?

  7. Wow! A brilliant and easy dessert to consume bananas or even a great treat for a get together!

  8. This looks so easy and delicious! Bananas and mousse are two of my favorite things and I can't wait to try it!
