Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Semolina Bread

One more amazing, no knead Artisan bread.

Taste 5 (out of 5)
Difficulty 1 (out of 5)

Ingredients and Instructions
Follow the Master recipe, only instead of 100% all purpose flour use 1/2 semolina, 1/2 all purpose flour.
Semolina makes the crumb a little denser, moister and more chewy than in the white flour Master recipe. And it seems that the crust is a little crispier.


  1. Wow! Those are good looking loaves. Must be delicious.

  2. I'm with Biren. Those loaves are beautiful-great photo! I wish I had lighting like that in my kitchen.
    Isn't semolina wonderful? I love that crunch it lends...

  3. I love semolina bread. Thanks for sharing. And your photo is absolutely beautiful!

  4. I have a bag of semolina lying lonely in the cupboard...will finally give it some use! Thanks!

  5. great shot such beautiful bread!!

  6. Hello there and congrats on getting number 1 on the Top 9!

    I am so proud of you! That is something that I dream of but I know I will need to invest in a better camera so I can take really crystal clear pictures along with the recipes. And, when my leg finally heals, then I will be able to move around more, therefore-cooking more yummy stuff!

    Your breads look great!

    I only bought semolina flour once to make some pasta, but the pasta didn't turn out very well.

    Your bread looks awesome.

    You'll have to tell me what BEING NUMBER ONE FEELS LIKE!

    Your CA Cooking Buddy,

    Polly Motzko

  7. How beautiful!
    What's funny to me is that I just posted a recipe for pizza, saying that the term 'trial and error' makes me think of pizza and bread dough, and then I saw theses gorgeous loaves on Foodbuzz. I'm going to go and make them NOW.
    (If you're interested, here's the post I just put up:

    Happy cooking!


  8. Hey, Hey, Hey-Happy Morning! Your'e Number 1 on Foodbuzz...
    I knew that photo was special right when I saw it-delicious looking!

  9. Agreed with the rest on your beautiful bread. Looks really gorgeous! Congrats!

  10. Those are beautiful! I really really really want to get good at bread baking. It looks like these might be a good start for me. ~LeslieMichele

  11. Baking bread is one of my favorite things, I will definitly try to make this one with semolina. Looks beautful. I just started an online cooking show, Swedish Home Cooking. Please check it out!

  12. What a beautiful photo! Breads are so difficult to photograph. you've done a great job...they look mouthwatering!

  13. Very neat idea. I have been on a bread baking kick as of late but have not made any semolina bread. Thanks for the idea.
