Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pistachio Mousse with Rose Scented Strawberries

This light and flavorful dessert is a great way to celebrate the spring. 
Adapted from Nordljus

Taste 5 (out of 5)
Difficulty 2 (out of 5)
- 30 g pistachios (170 cal)
- 20 g confectioners’ sugar (75 cal)
- 140 g whipping cream (480 cal)
- 220 ml low fat milk (115 cal)
- 1 egg (70 cal)
- 60 g sugar (230 cal)
- 1/2 tsp gelatin
- 1/4 cup lukewarm water
- 10 strawberries (220 cal)
- 1 tsp brown sugar (15 cal)
- 2 tbsp rose water
Total 1375 cal, 6 servings, 230 cal / serving
1. Lightly whip the double cream and keep in the fridge. 
2. Whiz the pistachios in a food processor until very fine, add the confectioners’ sugar and blend in. Add the milk to the pistachio paste, mix well, and bring to the boil in a small saucepan. 
3. In a bowl, whisk the egg and the sugar until pale. Stir the warm milk mixture in, then put back in the pan and stir on a medium heat until the custard thickens and you can see a trail as you whisk. Strain through a fine sieve into a clean bowl.
4. Dissolve the gelatin in 1/4 cup of lukewarm water. Then add to the hot custard and mix well. 5. Gently fold the whipped cream into the mixture with a spatula. Pour into the serving dishes or molds and let set in the fridge for about 2 hours.
6. Finely chop 10 strawberries, toss with sugar and rose water and let stand for half an hour. Serve with the pistachio mousse.
- I love it: great combination of flavors, great texture, great colors. 
- If I had to change 1 thing, I’d like it to have less calories :-). Maybe next time I can use whipped egg whites instead of cream... 


  1. This looks really yummy! I am soooo ready for more fruit desserts after a long Winter!

  2. Love this one! the whole combination is just delicious!

  3. Goodness! The title alone sounds so wonderfully exotic and romantic! I know this will taste incredible!

  4. I love pistachios. This would be a terrific dessert to feed company. Thanks!

  5. Beautiful dessert. Love the quick and easy yet decadent style!

  6. Ooh, this sounds nice too, Rookie! I need to figure out what to do with my last gelatin pack. Hmm?

  7. This sounds heavenly! I love the mild flavor of the pistachio.

  8. I love pistachios! This is a great way to use them
