Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hawaiian-Style Slow Cooked Chicken

Originally I called this recipe Hawaiian Huli Huli Chicken, but Karen kindly corrected me that Huli means turn, and Huli Huli only applies to grilled chiken. Ooops.... See Karen's comment for more good advice on this recipe.


Inspired by the Recipezaar Hawaiian Slow Cooker Chicken

Taste 3 (out of 5)

Difficulty 3 (out of 5)


- 5 skinless boneless chicken thighs (550 cal)

- 1/2 cup pineapple juice (80 cal)

- 3 tbsp agave nectar (180 cal)

- 3 tbsp lemon juice (10 cal)

- 1/2 tsp ground ginger (5 cal)

- 1/2 tsp minced garlic (5 cal)

- 2 tsp dijon mustard (20 cal)

- 1 tbsp soy sauce (10 cal)

- 2 tbsp tomato paste (20 cal)

- 1 tbsp cabernet wine sauce (20 cal)

- 1/2 tsp black pepper

- 1 tsp ground orange zest

Total 900 cal (350 cal sauce), 5 servings, 180 cal/serving


1. Mix all the ingredients well. Place the chicken thighs in a ziplock plastic bag, pour half of the sauce into the bag, seal, and mix well to make sure all the chicken is coated. Marinade in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

2. Preheat the oven to 350F. Place the chicken in an oven proof lidded pan (I used Pyrex). Pour the remainder of the sauce evenly over the chicken. Bake for an hour then reduce the oven heat to 300F and bake for another hour.

3. Serve over rice. I added a little bit of the pineapple juice and small pineapple chunks to my brown rice mix 10 minutes before it was done, for an additional tropical effect. I also seasoned the rice with turmeric and paprika to make it orangish.


- The chicken was not as soft as I would have expected after 2 hours in the oven. Next time I might try baking it for one more hour. It might also be worth trying removing the lid for the last hour, to reduce the sauce.

- There is plenty of sauce, so the amount of sauce in this recipe can be used with more chicken (I only had 5 thighs left).

- Might be interesting to try the sauce without the tomato paste, it would turn out more golden I guess.


  1. Hi rookie, This doesn't really sound like a huli chicken but it does sound like a tasty sauce. Huli means turn in Hawaiian , Huli Huli chicken in Hawaii is always a grilled chicken cooked over a very hot fire , hence the need to continually huli huli. It's often made as a fundraiser. Since this is made in an enclosed pan with long slow cooking it's more akin to chicken cooked in an imu ( an underground pit ) To get it more tender I'd use thighs on the bone and seal the container with some foil before putting the lid on so the steam doesn't escape. Also prepare the full amount of sauce but only use enough to lightly moisten the chicken and then heat the remainder with a tiny bit of cornstarch and when the chicken is finished use as a glaze.

  2. Karen, thanks so much for the advice - this seems to solve most of my problems with this recipe! It's true, the Huli Huli recipes I found were for grill, but I really really wanted to make a slow cooking dish, so I thought I could combine the two :-). And I thought that the lid would prevent the steam from escaping, but I guess I was wrong, next time I'll certainly add the aluminum foil. Also, you're right about the sauce, it's too liquid and sounds like your method might be a huge improvement. I'll try all these net time.
    In any case, I decided to make a Hawaiian pizza with what's left of this batch :-)
    Thanks again!
